Evaluate the results of the bulk-load by opening the database and inspecting the output table bulkloader.address_extract
for values in the field exception_text
- Robert Gaston (Unlicensed) Verify the intent, and then revise the description if necessary, of #4 below.
Addresses that were successfully bulk-loaded will have a date in the field
and a NULL value in the fieldexception_text
.Code Block language sql -- Count records successfully bulk-loaded: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bulkloader.address_extract WHERE NOT(load_tms IS NULL) AND (exception_text IS NULL); -- View records successfully bulk-loaded: SELECT * FROM bulkloader.address_extract WHERE NOT(load_tms IS NULL) AND (exception_text IS NULL);
The presence of exception text indicates a problem with the source data.
Code Block language sql -- Count records with exception: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bulkloader.address_extract WHERE NOT(exception_text IS NULL); -- View records with exception: SELECT * FROM bulkloader.address_extract WHERE NOT(exception_text IS NULL);
- To rectify bulk-load exceptions, do not correct any exception records in the output table
. Instead, correct the corresponding records in the source data and then re-run the Bulk Loader. If block and lot values were included in the input data, a value should be found in the field
. Run the query below to find any records that had block and lot input values but did not get assigned a value foraddress_x_parcel_id.
Code Block language sql SELECT-- *Count FROMrecords bulkloader.address_extract WHERE NOT(address_x_parcel_id IS NULL); -- Blockwhere block and lot values were includedprovided inbut the input data. no address_x_parcel was assigned: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bulkloader.address_extract WHERE (NOT (address_x_parcel_idblock IS NULL); --OR BlockNOT and(block lotIS valuesNULL)) were *not* included in the input dataAND address_x_parcel_id IS NULL;
Base addresses that were submitted by the Bulk Loader but were already in the EAS are indicated by values in the fields
, and NULL values in the fieldsstreet_segment
.Code Block language sql -- Count base addresses that were already in the EAS: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bulkloader.address_extract WHERE NOT(address_base_id IS NULL) AND NOT(load_tms IS NULL) AND (street_segment_id IS NULL) AND (zone_id IS NULL) AND (exception_text IS NULL); -- View base addresses that were already in the EAS: SELECT * FROM bulkloader.address_extract WHERE NOT(address_base_id IS NULL) AND NOT(load_tms IS NULL) AND (street_segment_id IS NULL) AND (zone_id IS NULL) AND (exception_text IS NULL);