Table of Contents |
Stage Number | Stage | Category | Summary | Environment | Iterations | Estimated Person Time | Estimated Computer Time |
1 | Import and parse reference dataset (Optional) | Parsing | This optional step in the Bulk Loader process is to cross check an address for a match in a reference data set. If a source address is found in the reference dataset the address makes it to the next step. If not found the address is put aside in an exclusion set for later review. | Once per Bulk Loader process | 1 hour | 10 minutes | |
2 | Import, parse and filter source dataset | Parsing | Import the dataset destined for the EAS. Parse and filter the set. | Once per Bulk Loader process | 90 minutes | 15 minutes | |
Geocode and filter | Geocoding | Geocode the set and filter further based on geocoder score and status. | ArcMap | Once per Bulk Loader process | 1 hour | 5 minutes | |
4 | Export full set (single batch) or subset (multiple batches) | Geocoding | For large datasets, create one of many subsets that will be run through the Bulk Loader in many batches. | ArcMap | One or more batches for each Bulk Loader process | 30 minutes per batch | 5 minutes per batch |
5 | Bulk Load batch (full set or subset) | Bulk Loading | Run each subset batch through the Bulk Loader. | One or more batches for each Bulk Loader process | 1 hour per batch | 5 minutes per batch | |
6 | Extract results | Bulk Loading | Extract and archive the list of addresses that were added to the EAS . Also archive the unique EAS 'change request id' associated with this batch. Also archive the addresses that were rejected by the Bulk Loader in this batch. | PostgreSQL / pgAdmin | One or more batches for each Bulk Loader process | 1 hour per batch | 5 minutes per batch |
7 | Cleanup and Restoration | Bulk Loading | Clean up database, restore services and in the event of a failure, restore from backup. | One or more batches for each Bulk Loader process |
Anchor | ||||
This optional stage is run once per Bulk Loader process. This stage can be skipped if the reference dataset is already available or if the optional 'filter by reference' step is skipped.
- Script Name (*)
- Important arguments
- input_file - The relative path to the raw CSV file.
- output_table - The name of the table for the imported records.
- Example usage
Import CSV file into PostgreSQL table (++<odbc>)
Code Block language text firstline 1 title csv2pg linenumbers true python --odbc_server=<odbc-server> --# Name or IP address of the database server, e.g. localhost --odbc_port=<odbc-port> --# Port of the database server, e.g. 5432 --odbc_database=<odbc-database> --# Name of the database, e.g. awgdb --odbc_uid=<odbc-uid> --# Database user name --odbc_pwd=<odbc-pwd> --# Database user password --input_file=./path/to/raw_reference_file.csv --output_table=reference_raw
- Output table
- This step generates a new table. The name of the new table is passed as a required command line argument.
- Output fields
- All columns in the input CSV file are imported as fields in the new table.
- sfgisgapid: a new serial, not null, primary key
- Artifacts (**)
- reference_raw.csv - The input CSV table serves as the artifact for this step.
- Script Name (*)
- Important arguments
- address_column: Name of address field. Required.
- city_column: Name of city field. Optional.
- state_column: Name of state field. Optional.
- zip_column: Name of ZIP Code field. Optional.
- output_table: Name of the output table. Required.
- Example usage
Parse address table (++<odbc>)
Code Block language text firstline 1 title linenumbers true python \ --odbc_server=<odbc-server> \ --odbc_port=<odbc-port> \ --odbc_database=<odbc-database> \ --odbc_uid=<odbc-uid> \ --odbc_pwd=<odbc-pwd> \ --address_table=reference_raw \ --primary_key=sfgisgapid \ --address_column=address \ --city_column=city \ --state_column=state \ --zip_column=zip \ --output_table=reference_parsed \ --output_report_file=./output/reference.xlsx \ --limit=-1
- Output table
- This step generates a new table. The new table contains all of the fields and records of the input table with additional fields noted below.
Output fieldsAnchor parserator_fields parserator_fields - The output consists of a field for every kind of parsed address part that is generated by the parsing tool, Parserator. It also contains additional concatenated fields as defined in the FGDC's United States Thoroughfare, Landmark, and Postal Address Data Standard as well as metadata fields.
- address_to_parse character varying(255)
- address_number bigint
- address_number_suffix character varying(255)
- street_name_pre_directional character varying(255)
- street_name_pre_type character varying(255)
- street_name character varying(255)
- street_name_post_type character varying(255)
- street_name_post_directional character varying(255)
- subaddress_type character varying(255)
- subaddress_identifier character varying(255)
- state_name character varying(255)
- zip_code character varying(255)
- complete_address_number character varying(255)
- complete_street_name character varying(255)
- complete_subaddress character varying(255)
- complete_place_name character varying(255)
- delivery_address_with_unit character varying(255)
- delivery_address_without_unit character varying(255)
- parsed_address character varying(1000)
- parser_had_issues boolean
- parser_message character varying(2000)
- parserator_tag character varying(255)
- address_number_parity character varying(255)
- counter integer
- The output consists of a field for every kind of parsed address part that is generated by the parsing tool, Parserator. It also contains additional concatenated fields as defined in the FGDC's United States Thoroughfare, Landmark, and Postal Address Data Standard as well as metadata fields.
- Artifacts (**)
- reference_parsed.csv - Export the new table, e.g. reference_parsed, as a CSV, e.g. reference_parsed.csv, and archive in the network folder dedicated to artifacts for the Bulk Loader iteration.
- Script Name (*)
- Important arguments
- address_column: Name of address field. Required.
- city_column: Name of city field. Optional.
- state_column: Name of state field. Optional.
- zip_column: Name of ZIP Code field. Optional.
- output_table: Name of the output table. Required.
- Example usage
Parse address table (++<odbc>)
Code Block language text firstline 1 title parse_address_table linenumbers true python \ --odbc_server=<odbc-server> \ --odbc_port=<odbc-port> \ --odbc_database=<odbc-database> \ --odbc_uid=<odbc-uid> \ --odbc_pwd=<odbc-pwd> \ --address_table=addresses_no_range \ --primary_key=sfgisgapid \ --address_column=address \ --city_column=city \ --state_column=state \ --zip_column=zip \ --output_table=addresses_parsed \ --output_report_file=./output/source_report.xlsx \ --limit=-1
- Output table
- This step generates a new table. The new table contains all of the fields and records of the input table with additional fields noted below.
- Output fields
- The output consists of a field for every kind of parsed address part that is generated by the parsing tool, Parserator. It also contains additional concatenated fields as defined in the FGDC's United States Thoroughfare, Landmark, and Postal Address Data Standard as well as metadata fields. See also Step 1.2 Output Fields.
- Artifacts (**)
- addresses_parsed.csv: Export the new table, e.g. addresses_parsed, as a CSV, e.g. addresses_parsed.csv, and archive in the network folder dedicated to artifacts for the Bulk Loader iteration.
- Script Name (*)
- Important arguments
- output_table: The name of the table for the filtered records.
- Example usage
Remove records with post directional values (++<odbc>)
Code Block language text firstline 1 title remove_postdirectionals linenumbers true python \ --odbc_server=<odbc-server> \ --odbc_port=<odbc-port> \ --odbc_database=<odbc-database> \ --odbc_uid=<odbc-uid> \ --odbc_pwd=<odbc-pwd> \ --address_table=addresses_parsed \ --output_table=addresses_no_post_dir \ --output_report_file=./output/source_report.xlsx \ --limit=-1
Create table addresses_with_post_dir
Code Block language sql firstline 1 title addresses_with_post_dir linenumbers true CREATE TABLE addresses_with_post_dir AS SELECT * FROM addresses_parsed WHERE NOT id IN (SELECT id FROM addresses_no_post_dir);
- Output table
- This step generates a new table. The new table contains all of the fields and records of the input table excluding any that have a post direction value and corresponding addresses with streets without the post direction.
- Artifacts (**)
- addresses_no_post_dir.csv - This is an archive of the records that made it past the filter to the next step.
- addresses_with_post_dir.csv - This is an archive of the records that did not make it past the filter. This artifact is part of the exclusion set of addresses that are set aside for later review.
- Script Name (*)
- Important arguments
- source_output_field - The name of a new integer field that will store the results of the step.
- Example usage
Add field to flag if address is found in reference (++<odbc>)
Code Block language text firstline 1 title is_address_in_reference linenumbers true python \ --odbc_server=<odbc-server> \ --odbc_port=<odbc-port> \ --odbc_database=<odbc-database> \ --odbc_uid=<odbc-uid> \ --odbc_pwd=<odbc-pwd> \ --source_table=addresses_no_post_dir \ --reference_table=reference_parsed \ --source_pk=id \ --reference_pk=id \ --source_address_number=address_number \ --source_address_number_suffix=address_number_suffix \ --source_street_name_pre_directional=street_name_pre_directional \ --source_street_name_pre_type=street_name_pre_type \ --source_street_name=street_name \ --source_street_name_post_type=street_name_post_type \ --source_street_name_post_directional=street_name_post_directional \ --source_subaddress_type=subaddress_type \ --source_subaddress_identifier=subaddress_identifier \ --source_place_name=place_name \ --reference_address_number=address_number \ --reference_address_number_suffix=address_number_suffix \ --reference_street_name_pre_directional=street_name_pre_directional \ --reference_street_name_pre_type=street_name_pre_type \ --reference_street_name=street_name \ --reference_street_name_post_type=street_name_post_type \ --reference_street_name_post_directional=street_name_post_directional \ --reference_subaddress_type=subaddress_type \ --reference_subaddress_identifier=subaddress_identifier \ --reference_place_name=place_name \ --source_output_field=in_reference \ --limit=-1
Create and archive table addresses_in_reference
Code Block language sql firstline 1 title addresses_in_reference linenumbers true CREATE TABLE addresses_in_reference AS SELECT * FROM addresses_no_post_dir WHERE in_reference = 1;
Create and archive table addresses_not_in_reference
Code Block language sql firstline 1 title addresses_not_in_reference linenumbers true CREATE TABLE addresses_not_in_reference AS SELECT * FROM addresses_no_post_dir WHERE in_reference = 0;
- Output table
- This step generates a new table. The name of the new table is passed as a required command line argument.
- Output fields
- A new field that tells if the source address was found in the reference set (1), not found (0), or not yet checked (-1). The name of the new field is passed as a required command line argument.
- Artifacts (**)
- addresses_in_reference.csv - This is an archive of the records that made it past the filter to the next step.
- addresses_not_in_reference.csv - This is an archive of the records that did not make it past the filter. This artifact is part of the exclusion set of addresses that are set aside for later review.
- Script Name (*)
- Important arguments
- input_table - The name of the table containing addresses to be geocoded.
- output_file_name - The name of the CSV created from the input table.
- input_source - The text associated with the data source of this batch of addresses. The value entered here appears in the EAS user interface (under the source of a given base address or unit).
This field has a 32 character limit. Exceeding 32 characters will crash the Bulk Loader!
- Example usage
Create table addresses_to_geocode
Code Block language sql firstline 1 title addresses_to_geocode linenumbers true -- Select, order and save as 'addresses_to_geocode' CREATE TABLE addresses_to_geocode AS SELECT * FROM addresses_in_reference ORDER BY street_name, street_name_pre_directional, street_name_pre_type, street_name_post_type, street_name_post_directional, address_number, address_number_suffix, subaddress_type, subaddress_identifier, place_name
fieldCode Block language sql firstline 1 title counter linenumbers true -- Add and index a counter field ALTER TABLE addresses_to_geocode DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS counter; ALTER TABLE addresses_to_geocode ADD COLUMN counter SERIAL; CREATE INDEX ON addresses_to_geocode (counter);
Export PostgreSQL table to CSV file for Bulk Loading (++<odbc>)
Code Block language text firstline 1 title pg2bulkloader linenumbers true python \ --odbc_server=<odbc-server> \ --odbc_port=<odbc-port> \ --odbc_database=<odbc-database> \ --odbc_uid=<odbc-uid> \ --odbc_pwd=<odbc-pwd> \ --input_table=addresses_to_geocode \ --output_file_name=./output/addresses_to_geocode \ --input_source='Imported Addresses (20XX-XX-XX)' \ --limit=-1
- Archive a copy of table addresses_to_geocode to artifact addresses_to_geocode.csv
- Output table
- addresses_to_geocode
- Output file
- This step generates a new CSV file. The name of the new file is passed as a required command line argument.
- Artifacts (**)
- addresses_to_geocode.csv - A CSV file of addresses ready for geocoding.
Anchorstage3 stage3
Stage 3 - Geocode and filter
stage3 | |
stage3 |
Step 3.1 - Geocode source dataset
Anchorstage4 stage4
Stage 4 - Export full set (single batch) or subset (multiple batches)
stage4 | |
stage4 |
Note | ||
| ||
Stages 4, 5 and 6 can be run one time with the results from Stage 3, or they can be run in multiple batches of subsets. A major consideration of when to run the full set at once versus in batches is the number of records being Bulk Loaded. The size of each Bulk Loader operation affects the following aspects of the EAS:
For medium-to-large datasets (input sets with over 1000 records) it is recommended to run the process on a development server and assess the implications of the operation. Where appropriate, perform the Bulk Loading process in batches over several days or weeks. The remaining steps will document one example iteration of a multi-batch process. |
Anchorstage5 stage5
Stage 5 - Run the Bulk Loader
stage5 | |
stage5 |
For a complete set of steps and background about the Bulk Loader, see also Running the Bulk Loader, a page dedicated to its input, operation and results.
Anchorstage6 stage6
Stage 6 - Extract results
stage6 | |
stage6 |
Step 6.1 - Archive exceptions
- If the Bulk Loader Process was run on the production server then restore services
Turn on production-to-replication service
- TODO: add steps
Turn on downstream database propagation service(s)
Resume downstream replication to internal business system database (SF PROD WEB).
Code Block language text firstline 1 title start xmit sudo /var/www/html/eas/bin/xmit_change_notifications.bsh start
Enable front-end access to EAS
Place the Web servers into live mode (SF PROD WEB, DR PROD WEB).
Code Block language bash linenumbers true cd /var/www/html sudo ./ LIVE