Code Block |
{ "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4326 }, "candidates": [ { "address": "115 MAIN ST", "location": { "y": 37.79152826999239, "x": -122.39400753158013 }, "score": 100, "attributes": { "base_address_num": 115, "base_address_suffix": null, "street_name": "MAIN", "street_type": "ST", "zipcode": "94105", "parcels": [ { "map_blk_lot": "3717012", "blk_lot": "3717012", "unit_num": null, "date_map_add": "1998-07-01", "date_map_drop": null, "address_base_flg": true }, { "map_blk_lot": "3717013", "blk_lot": "3717013", "unit_num": null, "date_map_add": "1998-07-01", "date_map_drop": null, "address_base_flg": true } ], "units": [] } } ] } |
Field Definitions
- spatialReference - Defines the coordinate system for the specified coordinates. WKID 4326 refers to the geographic coordinate system (GCS) using datum WGS 1984.
- candidates - a list of matched address(es) and their attributes
- address - concatenated street address
- location - point within the parcel, not the centroid of the parcel
- x - longitude
- y - latitude
- score - see below
- attributes
- base_address_num
- base_address_suffix
- street_name
- street_type
- zipcode
- parcels
- map_blk_lot - the "base parcel" identifier
- blk_lot - the parcel identifier aka assesor parcel number or APN
- date_map_add - the date that the parcel was added to the city map by public works
- date_map_drop - the date that the parcel was retired from the city map by public works
- unit_num - Unit number associated with this parcel, if present
- address_base_flg
- units - a list of the units for that address