- switch base layers
- drag to pan
- double click to zoom in one level
- zoom and pan controls (upper left corner of map)
- shift key, drag rectangle to zoom in
- right click on map, "zoom to"
- mouse wheel
- large point indicates multiple addresses
- multi-address popup (sorting has a bug)
- small point indicates single address
- address points show onlt at top 3 zoom levels only
- single address popup
- header
- number, street, jurisdiction
- link
- window expand/collapse
- close popup with X or with escape key
- footer
- show historical
- edit
- retire
- parcels tab
- APN columnclick on APNcolumns
- apn
- base/unit
- unit
- #
- linked
- unlinked
- sort
- filter
- APN columnclick on APNcolumns
- units tab
- columns
- base/unit
- unit
- #
- type
- disposition
- created
- retired
- sort
- filter
- columns
- more tab
- status
- created
- updated
- summary
- last change
- street aliases
- location information
- window expand/collapse
- close popup with X or with esacpe key
- when address footprint
- should include parcels and street in blue vectors on map
- should fade when you close the popup
- should be reasonably distinct
- with imagery or
- map
- header
- google streetview
- known issues
- "right click" sometimes requires a second "right click"
- clicks next to the pointer of the popup
- search for address (not parcel)
- number and street name
- "100 Main Street"
- "0 main"
- "100000 main"
- "1000 mai"
- "1000 A main"
- "1000 Fooo"
- "1000 Foo"
- 497 Buena Vista Ave EastEast (post direction)
- 1000 Mission Bay Blvd (post direction street)Blvd
- 1000 Mission Bay Blvd NORTH (post direction street)North
- 10001 GEERY (i.e. Geary)
- 10001 GEERY BLVD
- 10001 GEERY (misspelled should use levenshtien)ST
- 1000 MANE (misspelled should use levenshtieni.e. main)
- magnifying glass
- more than 10 records should have paged results
- shows un-retired addresses onlyoptionally include retired in search
- 100 Main St (page through results)
Searching for Parcels
- search for parcel (not address)
- first 4 digits (minimum)
- "123" (no results)
- "1234" (paged results)
- "1234001"
- "123400"
- "12340"
- retired parcels (enter use "5678include historical" checkbox)
- search drop down should show parcel retire date for retired parcels
- search for 5678007
- search for 5678 then use paging
- parcels with no geometry (enter "5678007")
- click magnifying glass
- results include retired and unretired parcels
- search results may be parcel or address
- parcel results
- create date
- retire date
- when you mouse enter the results row the parcel should appear on the map
- when you mouse leave the results row the parcel should fade from the map
- retired parcel should be "grayed out"
- navigation includes
- addresses
- zoom to
- recorded maps
- property information map
- search recorded: maps , documents
- address reasultsresults
- status
- created
- updated
- retired
- when you mouse enter the results row a map pin should appear
- when you mouse leave the results row the map pin fade (or deflate)
- retired address should be "grayed out" and never be editable/retireable
- navigation includes
- details
- edit
- retire,
- zoom to
- parcels
- edit and retire should enable on log in, and disable on logout
- results may be "paged"
- sliding panel
Sign In
- sign in
- edit/retire controls should enable on login (includes address report and search results)
- change password
- I forgot my password
- roles
- requestor role
- reviewer role
- sign out
- edit/retire controls should disable on logout (includes address report and search results)
User Admin
- add user
- set group
- remove user
- update user