Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. switch base layers
    1. check map styles (labels, vectors)
    2. check image styles (labels, vectors)
  2. drag to pan
  3. double click to zoom in one level
  4. zoom (upper left corner of map)
  5. shift key, drag rectangle to zoom in
  6. right click on map, "zoom to"
  7. mouse wheel
  8. large point indicates multiple addresses
  9. multi-address popup (sorting has a bug)
  10. small point indicates single address
  11. address points show at top 3 zoom levels only
  12. click on single address point > address detail report show in results panel
  13. click on multi address point > pop up
  14. select link in multi address point pop up > address detail report show in results panel
  15. address validation warnings show on some address (yellow triangle - see SOMA)
  16. checking the 'include historical' box results in retired addresses shown on map (both clustered and unclustered, with styles for cluster where all are retired v. cluster where only some are retired; styles should display well on both map and imagery)
  17. "right click"
    1. zoom to
    2. google streetview
    3. add address (more later)
    4. move  address (more later)
    5. provision parcel
  18. known issues
    1. "right click" sometimes requires a second "right click"
    2. clicks next to the pointer of the multi address popup


  1. parcels
    1. create date
    2. retire date
    3. when you mouse enter the results row the parcel should appear on the map
    4. when you mouse leave the results row the parcel should fade from the map
    5. retired parcel should be "grayed out"
    6. provisioned parcels should show provisioning date(s)
    7. navigation includes 
      1. addresses
      2. zoom to
      3. recorded maps
      4. property information map
      5. search recorded: maps documents
  2. addresses
    1. status
    2. created
    3. updated
    4. retired
    5. when you mouse enter the results row a map pin should appear
    6. when you mouse leave the results row the map pin fade (or deflate)
    7. retired address should be "grayed out" and never be editable/retireable
    8. addresses with validation warnings should show warning list
    9. navigation includes 
      1. details
      2. edit
      3. retire,
      4. zoom to
      5. parcels
    10. edit and retire should enable on log in, and disable on logout
  3. address detail report

    1. header
      1. number, street, zip code, jurisdiction
      2. "link to"
      3. status, created, updates, retired
      4. links: parcels, zoomto, edit, retire
      5. show on map
      6. show historical
      7. addresses with validation warnings should show warning list
    2. parcels tab
      1. columns
        1. apn
        2. base/unit
        3. unit #
        4. linked
        5. unlinked
      2. sort
      3. filter
    3. units tab
      1. columns
        1. base/unit
        2. unit #
        3. type
        4. disposition
        5. created
        6. retired
      2. sort
      3. filter
    4. more tab
      1. last change
      2. aliases
      3. location information
    5. address footprint
      1. should include linked parcels, street, and address point location in blue vectors on map
      2. should be reasonably distinct with imagery or map
  4. change report
    1. header fields
      1. change on date
      2. requested by
      3. requested by comments
      4. reviewed by
      5. reviewed by comments
    2. grid fields
      1. apn
      2. address
      3. base/unit
      4. unit #
      5. linked tms (link)
      6. unlinked (link)


  1. grouping changes in a change request support address lineage
    1. retire 100 Main
    2. create
      1. 102 Main
      2. 104 Main
  2. special addresses
    1. service address (APN: 0000-000)
    2. editing may be limited
    3. "SITUS TO BE ASSIGNED" is the same as "UNKNOWN"
    4. "placeholder addresses" allow retirement only
  3. existing addresses do not allow changes to the number and street
  4. moving address location
    1. right click -> move address
    2. new location must be within same block
    sliding panel

Change Request Workflow

  1. requestor can do the following
    1. create and edit change requests
    2. search for change requests
    3. submit change requests
    4. retract submitted change requests
  2. reviewer can do the following
    1. right click "provision parcel"
    2. review change requests
    3. accept for review
    4. save
    5. close
    6. approve
    7. reject
