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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

This checklist is for migrating an applogic application from one grid to another.
After the migration, we rename the application on the target so it overwrites an existing one.1.0) copy

For example, say we want to migrate the application "mad_dev" from grid "sfgov3"
to the application "mad_qa" on grid "sfgov1".

First, record the IPs of the application you wish to migarte1.1) existing target application.
From the grid command line type

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# app config mad_dev

You should see a bunch of names and IP addresses.
Make a durable record of this information.

This is equivalent to the following:

  • open the application UI


  • select the configure menu item


  • select the properties tab


  • transcribe or image


  • capture


Next, on target grid, stop target application and rename target application3.0) .
You can do this with the UI or at the command line.
todo - what is the command line?

Next, on source grid/application, stop the source application

3.1) ssh to source grid

sfgov3> help migrate app
   Migrate an application from/to a remote grid.
   Application configuration parameters may be specified for the new

   app migrate <remote_grid> <app> [.name=<new name>] [<option>]*

sfgov3> app migrate mad_qa
then rename app
(todo figure out how to set target name)

4.0) set IPs to what you see from step 1

5.0) change labels in diagram (IP address)

6) restart applications
You can do this with the UI or at the command line.
todo - what is the command line?

We are ready to run the migration.
Next, ssh to target grid. We will now copy from the (remote) source grid.

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sfgov3> help migrate app
   app migrate remote_grid app new name ...
sfgov3> app migrate mad_dev mad_dev1

Now we'll rename the application.
Do this from the UI?
todo - how do do this from the command line?

Next we set properties of target.
Here we use the IPs we recorded at the beginning.
Set the resources (memory, disk) as needed.
You should make sure the memory and CPU is set as needed .

Next, you should change labels in the application "diagram" as needed.

Almost done...restart the source and target applications.

Finally, test the URLs and make sure the application is running.