To archive the results copy the console output to the clipboard and paste into a new text file. Upload the file to a folder containing testing-related artifacts for the given release. For example, R:\Tec\...\Eas\_Task\2018_2019\20181220_255_1.3.7\TestResults\EAS Unit Test Results - All Tests Passed - console output - 20190117.txt
- Begin by confirming that you are a recipient of the Change Notification emails.
- See config_notifications.py in /automation/src/config/live/ and check/modify variables devAddressChangeNotificationEmails and/or prodAddressChangeNotificationEmails so that they include your email address.
- For environments SF_DEV and SF_QA see the devAddressChangeNotificationEmails variable and prodSupportEmails variables. For environments SF_PROD and SD_PROD see the prodAddressChangeNotificationEmails variable and prodAnnounceNewReleaseEmails variables.
- Connect to a Windows automation server (SF_DEV, SF_QA, SF_PROD or SD_PROD) using Microsoft Remote Desktop.
- Open 'Command Prompt' and change to the folder containing the change notification script https://bitbucket.org/sfgovdt/eas/src/default/automation/src/job.py
- Run the address_change_report job:
python job.py --env <environment> --job address_change_report --action EXECUTE --v
- Substitute <environment> with one of the relevant environments: SF_DEV, SF_QA, SF_PROD, SD_PROD
- Run the address_change_notification job:
python job.py --env <environment> --job address_change_notification --action EXECUTE --v
- Substitute <environment> with one of the relevant environments: SF_DEV, SF_QA, SF_PROD, SD_PROD
- Run the announce_new_release job:
python job.py --env <environment> --job announce_new_release --action EXECUTE --v
- Substitute <environment> with one of the relevant environments: SF_DEV, SF_QA, SF_PROD, SD_PROD
- Check your email inbox to confirm that the change notifications emails were received.
- If applicable, revert any temporary changes to the file config_notifications.py that were made in Step 1.