Versions Compared


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administration credentials include:

ETL Processing

  • windows user accounts (dev, qa, prod)
  • ssh keys (dev, qa, prod)

Web Application

  • applogic grid root
  • ssh access to linux VMs
  • tomcat
  • geoserver
  • postgres
  • MAD application admin
  • apache httpd

TODO - Paul - enumerate all these accounts, to be stored and maintained at a single unpublished location known to the support staff.

TODO - Paul - review all of the administration credentials, and do the following:

  • insure that default passwords are not used

We will not be scanning for viruses.


We are using the Postgres database which is know known for stability and robustness.
In any event, every 24 hours we

  • run consistency checks
  • run a full vacuum/analyze to guarantee good performance
  • backup the database
  • copy the backup to offsite


  • location
  • retain backups as needed (todo - need this from Hema)

TODO - Paul - automate all of this
TODO - Hema - we need your business schedule to do these things at a good time

Data Center Connectivity Lost

With each version release into produiction production we will back up the entire application to a secondary data center. We will make database backups every 24 hours and copy the backup to the secondary data centersecond VM for use upon failover. Should we lose the primary data center, we will bring up the application in the secondary data center using the most recent database backup. ? Performance of the application for the first day will be sluggish because the map cache will be empty/out of date. It will take overnight to reseed the map cache which can be done from the command line on the ETL machine.

TODO todo - Paul - test
XXXXX todo - need input from Hema here.

Deployment practices

The Enterprise Addressing System includes a data server, a map server and a web server. The application deployment are managed using standard practices with 3 separate environments (DEV, QA, PROD). Changes of any sort are first tested in the DEV environment. If the tests pass, we apply the changes to QA where business users conduct testing. Only after the business users approve the changes do we release any changes to PROD. This includes everything from OS upgrades through to our own application code, minor and major.


Disk Space

Every 24 hours we

  • check that there are no disk space issues
  • notify application support if there are any issues
    TODO - Will, can I ask you to look at this? Paul can help.

Before we go into production and once every year, we will conduct a failover exercise to ensure that we are able to provide business continuity.
TODO - Paul


Service Level Agreement (separate docs?)


Who will provide Bug Fixes and Enhancements?


How will we decide what bugs get fixed and what enhancements are built (governance)?


Maximum time allowed for ETL outage.


Recovery Time Objective


Without MAD, DBI will not be able to issue permits. (Is this correct?) The recovery time objective for the application is 2 hours. Hema, is this acceptable?



Recovery Point Objective


The recovery point objective for the database is 24 hours. Hema, is this acceptable? I am assuming that, given our limited resources, we will use database backups for recovery, and that we do not want to use replication. If we were to use replication, we could have a recovery point objective right down to a single transaction. But we have no expertise here and so I recommend against this approach.

todo - Hema, is all this acceptable?

Support Notifications

At a minimum we will use email for support notification. This means we'll need access to a mail server or some sort. And depending on DBI requirements, including their schedule requirements, we may consider a more robust solution such as Nagios. Using Nagios would probably mean more work; I have no experience with Nagios but some DT staff do.

Administration Roles

We need some wiki pages and some bodies - detailed belowto flesh out who is going to do what...


Virtual Machine Admin


Can our ASP provide this until we move to 200 Paul?

user administration

TODO - Hema, can DBI help with this?
