Example: SF.gov/outreach-toolkit-coronavirus-covid-19

Log in to SF.gov

Enter your username and password at SF.gov/user

Adding a new file to a transaction page

Add the PDF

  1. Content > Media > Add media > File

  2. Enter the following:

    1. Name (as official title of the document)

    2. File (if not available on another department website - do not repeat uploads if you can)

    3. Document URL (if available on another department website)

    4. Published Date (as last updated date)

    5. Description (a short summary of what the document says)

      1. Ex: “Public Health Order allowing the reopening of childcare programs and summer camps for all children.”

    6. Department

    7. Topic (you can search for an available Topic)

  3. Save

Add the file to the transaction page

  1. Go to the page you want to add the file to. (You can also search for a “transaction” page in https://sf.gov/admin/content.)

  2. Click the Edit tab at the top

  3. Scroll down to What to Do > Online section, and click the Add… button, to add a Step

  4. In the Add Step Specifics section, click on the triangle next to Add Button link to open all the options. Select Add Document

  5. Click on Attach a document

  6. Click on Existing Document and search for the title of your document

    1. You can also click on the Dated Updated link, to get the most recently updated documents first.

  7. Select the checkbox on the left for the document you want to attach.

  8. Click on Attach Document.

  9. You can use the button with 3 bars to change the order of the PDFs.

  10. Save the page as Published

    1. You can change the dropdown to Draft if you don’t want to publish it right away. But people you want to look at it, also have to have SF.gov logins to see it.

Update a file

For example, if the publish date changes or the URL changes.

Edit the file

  1. Content > Media

  2. Search for the name of the file you want to update. It should be the official title of the document.

  3. Click on the Edit button

  4. Update:

    1. URL of the document

    2. Published date

  5. Save

  6. Check the page to see if the file is updated

  7. If the file is not updated, clear the cache.

Clear the cache (if you don’t see your changes)

  1. Configuration > Development > Performance

  2. Use the Clear all caches button