

sfDotGov team


sfDotGov team & C3


Retro for Sprint 87.


Add your Start doing, Stop doing, and Keep doing items to the table below. We'll use these to talk about how we can improve our process going forward.

Start doing

Stop doing

Keep doing

Better way to take in feature requests (now, someone tells Persis & she writes a ticket)

QA before everything is done

keep sizing tickets

Break down large tix that are sprawling sprints +4

Super large comment threads in JIRA, specially ones that sprawl across multiple tickets.

More retros! +1

Finalize roadmap and share with stakeholders! +3

Using a Jira workflow that strikes-through tix before they are merged +1

project planning meeting last Weds felt useful

Identify goals/epics for each sprint & better impact analysis on tickets to help with prioritization

improving Jira screen layouts and schema

Using Assignee to indicate that tix ball is in their court

the new fields in JIRA for assigned engineer, etc. are useful +1

Adding acceptance criteria to tickets +1

Action items

Add 1-2 follow-up action items to help the team apply what they learned in the retro: