Fill in retro details in the table below. Type /date to quickly add the date and @mention participants to help them find the page.




Rick Johnson (Unlicensed) 


Provide context on the project or initiative the team is discussing in this retro


Add your Start doing, Stop doing, and Keep doing items to the table below. We'll use these to talk about how we can improve our process going forward.

Start doing

Stop doing

Keep doing

figure out how to do a retro before meeting

Putting too much work in each sprint +1

testing parties! +3

more complete/comprehensive requirements & designs in tickets +1

Can we have clearer titles for meetings? (ex: did not know this was retro day)

filling out the roles on the jira cards

get a better sense of timeline for projects

using the Assign & Test URL fields

Complete roadmap +1

Get translations working better

Action items

Add 1-2 follow-up action items to help the team apply what they learned in the retro: