How to edit

  1. Go to the page you want to edit

  2. Select the “Edit” tab

    1. If there is already a saved draft, there will be a “Latest version” tab next to “Edit.” Opening up the “Edit” tab will edit the latest version. top edit portal

  3. Your editing experience will depend on the page's content type. Sometimes you’ll need to open accordions to get to a text field.


If you don’t change anything on the page, it’s best to use the “Unlock” button to exit the screen, so another user can edit it.

If you don’t change anything on the page, it’s best to use the “Unlock” button to exit the screen, so another user can edit it.

Revision log

Add a brief description of the changes made to the content in the Revision log message.

You might include: image changes, annual updates, or the addition or removal of content. drupal view with Revision log on the right-hand side

This helps when looking back and previous changes.

Example of past revision logs. Two rows of edits with names, dates and descriptions, and a button to revert.

Locked pages

As of June 22, 2021, only Digital Services staff can unlock pages. We are working on clarifying permissions further.

If someone else has “locked” the page, check with them to make sure it’s okay to edit it. They may lose their work.

If the lock has stayed for a few days, it’s ok to unlock it without asking.

Pasting text from Word or Google Docs

After you copy-paste from a text editor or Google Doc, clear formatting with the “Remove Format” button. (Underlined uppercase T with an “x” under it.)

Saving, publishing, and archiving

Use the dropdown at the bottom to save, publish, or archive the page.