Step by step

Use for an overview of a complex process with many steps, usually over a long period of time. Extra information can be split off onto transactions or info pages.


Some city services are bigger than a single transaction. Step by step pages show connections and relationships between transactions that must be completed as part of a bigger process. Users can refer to a step by step for an overview of larger or longer processes with links to more detail on transaction pages.


General public, frequently used in permitting.

How it works

You can add up to 15 steps, but should aim for no more than 5 (see template for more information). Steps can be numbered, or start with “and” or “or”. Any step can be optional. Each step has:

  • Title*

  • Cost

  • Time the step takes

  • Step description (text editor)

  • Link to a transaction on

Each step can link to one or no transaction on

When users move from step by step to a transaction, the transaction page will automatically show “Part of” with a link to the step by step. The link only shows when the transaction is reached from the step by step.

You can add a topic

, but the step by step will not automatically show on the topic page.


Apply for a cannabis business permit, Add units to your property


Step on

Step in CMS

Step on

Step in CMS



You can change the order of steps by dragging them. It’s easier to drag when the steps are collapsed.

The step numbers will update automatically when you save changes.




  • Title*

  • Description*

  • Intro

  • Steps*

  • Department

What is reused


Content template to copy and use

Google Docs Step by Step template