The end of a form

Tell a user what they told you on the form and what to expect next

Review page

If a form has more than 10 fields or many complex fields, show the user a review page with all of their answers before they submit.

Confirmation page

After a user submits the form, show them a confirmation page.

The confirmation page should:

  • Thank them for filling out the form

  • Explain what they can expect to happen next, including timeline for next steps

  • Give them a place to leave feedback

Confirmation pages live on

Email confirmation

If the user gave us their email address in the form, send them a confirmation email with a copy of their form answers.

The sender name should be set to City and County of San Francisco, unless one Department owns the form and the process, then they should be named as the sender.

The subject line of the email should be something like: You applied for [name of form].

The email must give them a way to get help and any known next steps.