Adding links to archived meetings

Use Resource tiles to link to meeting pages that are not on

We must specify the public body because resources are used site-wide. A title that only refers to “meetings” can be relevant for every public body in San Francisco.

Naming conventions

Name the Resource subsection “Archived meetings”

For the or Drupal 7 meetings

  • Title: [Public body name] archived meetings [year] to [year]

  • Summary: Meetings between [date] and [date]

For the oldest meetings (usually has ftp in the URL):

  • Title: [Public body name] pre-[year] archive

  • Summary: Meetings prior to [date]


If the public body name is very long, use the acronym in the title and spell it out in the description.

Title: ACSACE archived meetings 2015 to 2022
Summary: Advisory Committee of Street Artists and Crafts Examiners meetings between January 2015 and May 2022.