This is the set of steps we will use to migrate to the new subnet at Carinet, the shared firewall with new IP addresses.
You will probably find this page Changing IP Addresses helpful.
Tasklist |
||Completed||Priority||Locked||CreatedDate||CompletedDate||Assignee||Name|| |FT|M|F|1332954968696| |jjohnson|Carinet will provision 1 additional IP on the 216.75.33.x sub-net| |F1334160996090|1334161004643|pmccullough|notify DBI "replication down"| |T|M|F|1332430770793| 1334165114917|jjohnson|Obtain, confirm local DB backup| |FT|M|F|1330129954503| 1334165117069|jjohnson|stop DB replication to SD PROD DB| |FT|M|F|1330129954504| |jjohnson|halt all SD servers (in order web, geo, db)| |F|M|F|1332435147646| |jjohnson|stop web service on web server| |F1332435147646|1334161696862|pmccullough|SDWEB$ sudo /etc/init.d/httpd stop| |T|M|F|1332435162044| |jjohnson|sbin/shutdown -h now on web server| |F|M|F|1332435313780| |jjohnson|1332435371673|1334161698378|pmccullough|SDGEO$ sudo dtomcat5 stop -force on geo| |FT|M|F|1332435371673| |jjohnson|sbin/shutdown -h now on geo server| |F|M|F|1332435543944| |jjohnson|1332435313780|1334161702944|pmccullough|SDDB$ sudo -u postgres /usr/pgsql-9.0/bin/pg_ctl -D /data/9.0/data -m fast stop on db server| |FT|M|F|1330129954504|13324356957691334162329294|pmccullough|halt linux on SD servers ($ |jjohnson|sbin/sudo shutdown -h now on db server)| |FT|M|F|13329549876781332954968696|1334165137631|jjohnson|Carinet will provision the new IPs on the new sub-net| |T|M|F|1332954987678|1334165124832|jjohnson|SF will give the go-ahead to Carinet to proceed| |FT|M|F|1330129954505| 1334169755078|jjohnson| will ensure STD-ESXI/E3_1230-04-QCE server is shutdown and will transport hardware to proper chassis in order to fit the rack in C2 datacenter.| |FT|M|F|1332367258473| 1334169757009|jjohnson|CarOnceOnce in C2 datacenter, will re-ip server from to NAT| |FT|M|F|1332955152821| 1334169760466|jjohnson|Using the new IP, SF will connect to the STD-ESXI/E3_1230-04-QCE server as the ESXI host via the VSphere Client| |FT|M|F|1332955487194| 1334169762447|jjohnson|Once connected, SF will power on the VMs in sequence: VCenter VM VCenter17870, Prod-DB, Prod-Geo, and Prod-Web| |F|M|F|13301302941301332955251938| |jjohnson|confirm services db, geo, webSF will then assign the new assigned IPs on the 10.224.211.x subnet to each of the 4 VMs, and make additional necessary configuration changes within the the VMs.| |F|M|F|1330130511606| |jjohnson|SF will then test VPN connectivity to the VMs using SSH Putty sessions.| |F|M|F|1330130294130| |jjohnson|confirm services db, geo, web| |F|M|F|1330131612467| |jjohnson|test SD application (read only)| |F|M|F|1332430506986| |jjohnson|resynch db replication| |F|M|F|1332430580587| |jjohnson|test SF application (confirm replication)| |F|M|F|1332430597708| |jjohnson|SD PROD WEB into standby| |F|M|F|13301303413951332955338085| |pmcculloughjjohnson|decommissionIf existingconnectivity carinetis firewall (carinet)| |F|M|F|1332955251938| |jjohnson|SF will then assign the new assigned IPssuccessful, then we are done; if not, then SF and Carinet will work together to ensure the VPN tunnel is working correctly on the 216.75.33.x subnet to each of the 4 VMs, and make additional necessary configuration changes within the the shared firewall.| |F|M|F|1330130341395| |pmccullough|decommission existing carinet firewall (carinet)| |F|M|F|13329553380851332955592194| |jjohnson|Ifdecommission connectivityadditional isstorage successful, then we are done; if not, then SF and Carinet will work together to ensure the VPN tunnel is working correctly on the new shared firewall.server STD-CUSTOM/NEHALEM_EN_3440-04-QCE (| |F|M|F|1334157639016| |jjohnson|Decommission Private V-LAN| |