Changing IP Addresses

Changing IP Addresses


Personnel and Roles

The following roles may need to be present to help complete all activities.

  • DBA
  • linux system admin
  • application developer
  • nagios admin
  • network support
  • email admin

System Level Activities

The following activities may need to be completed to get things working.

sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables

Make sure the network services are properly configured, setting the ip and gateway.

sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
sudo /etc/init.d/network restart

Make sure we are using the right nameservers...

sudo vi /etc/resolve.conf

After changing IPs I have found that system clocks will drift even though ntpd is running.
My solution has been to run the following commands...
where the IP for the ntpdate command is ntp server for the _your_ data center.

sudo /etc/init.d/ntpd stop
sudo /usr/sbin/ntpdate
sudo /etc/init.d/ntpd start


sudo vi /etc/hosts

The linux VMs send emails each day regarding their own general health and status.
Depending on where they are, an email admin may need to adjust the access settings that allow these emails to be sent.
See this file for guidance: https://sfgovdt.jira.com/svn/MAD/trunk/web/settings_env/live/environments.py
Here are the mail servers we us

 - ompmta01.sfgov.org
 - ironport.sfgov.org

Our email admins are Wayne Curtis or Marco Magellon.

Application Level Activities

The following activities may need to be completed to get the application running properly.

The application keeps addresses and credentials in several places.


The DB configuration files and scripts can be found here


and include the following

  • pg_hba.conf
  • pitr-replication.conf
  • rsync_backups.sh

Deploy these manually to master and slave.
Remember that you will need to manually ssh and accept the key.
Use this command:

$ ssh -p port_number ip_Address



The web tier has one configuration file...


Deploy environments.py by using the automated deploy processes.

$ cd /var/www/html
$ sudo ./deploy_eas_init.s

Geoserver has one configration file...


NOte this issue - http://code.google.com/p/eas/issues/detail?id=322

Deploy environments.py by using the automated deploy processes.

$ cd /usr/share/tomcat/webapps/
$ sudo ./deploy_geoserver.sh

We will also need to update the nagios configurations.


The ETL connections are defined here:

In some cases you may need to make changes the connection definitions.
In other cases you'll need to change the ssh configs of putty sessions.
If you do this, remember that you'll need to manually connect to accept the key.