Parcel Service

Parcel Service


In collaboration with the Department of Planning we have written a restful parcel service. This page describes that service.

Data Concurrency

The parcel data are updated every weeknight. Because these updates rely on lots of moving parts, they will fail a few times a year. We actively monitor this and usually have everything fixed for the next business day.

User Contacts
Aksel OlsenDepartment of Planning
Example URLs

NOTE: all the links in this section are to an internal server which is not accessible from outside the city (sorry(sad))

The URL is case sensitive.

A parcel that exists:

A parcel that does not exist:

A parcel without geometry:

A retired parcel:

Example Response

    "returnObj": [
            "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((6000289.6490318738000000 2109189.6356368181000000, 6000303.3496173630000000 2109090.5707322196000000, 6000331.9383771177000000 2109094.5545561356000000, 6000318.0463601183000000 2109193.5863283621000000, 6000289.6490318738000000 2109189.6356368181000000)))",
            "block_num": "1234",
            "blk_lot": "1234001",
            "centroid": "POINT (6000310.7489634585000000 2109142.0785302911000000)",
            "lot_num": "001",
            "srid": 2227,
            "date_map_add": "1998-07-01",
            "date_rec_drop": null,
            "map_blk_lot": "1234001"
    "status_code": 0,
    "message": "",
    "errors": {},
    "success": true
Field Definitions
field namedescription


create date
date_rec_dropretire date
geometrygeometry of the parcel polygon
centroidcenter point of parcel polygon
sridspatial reference id
lot_numlot number
block_numblock number
blk_lotconcatenation of block
map_blk_lotground level parcel identifier