

  • notify all stake holders before the release.
  • eas commit id: 105b3579cb3d
  • config commit id: a192794562a3

  • execute all steps in the SF ENVs first and test the application.

  • if tests pass, then execute steps on DR ENVs.
  • In the unlikely event that things go very badly, we switch over to the old application in DR.

Deploy to DR Web

Normally, we deploy to SF first, but since we want to verify that DR is working before deploying in SF, today we will deploy to DR first by running the following in DR PROD WEB:

cd /var/www/html
sudo ./deploy_eas_init.sh 105b3579cb3d a192794562a3 samuelvaldez

Make sure the DR web application works.

You will not be able to log into the web application in DR if DB replication is running.

Deploy Geoserver Configurations (DR)

To update database connections for the new environment, log into DR GEO and run the following to re-deploy geoserver:

cd /usr/share/apache-tomcat-7.0.32/webapps/
sudo ./deploy_geoserver_init.sh

Web into MAINT Mode

put the web servers into maintenance mode (SF WEB, DR WEB)

cd /var/www/html
sudo ./set_eas_mode.sh MAINT

Database Backup

Log onto the SF DB and back up the databases:

sudo -u postgres -i
/home/dba/scripts/dbbackup.sh > /var/tmp/dbbackup.log

Deploy Automation Scripts

Deploy new code to automation server.  Remove the following two directories:


Then run the deploy script like so:

cd C:\apps\
python eas_automation_deploy.py eas_automation 

Keep your session open because you will use the automation scripts to send the release notification at the end.

Deploy App to Web (SF)

If all goes well with the DR deployment, log into SF PROD WEB and deploy the application using the same commands as in DR.

Test the application to make sure everything works.

Test DR and put app in standby mode

Quickly ensure that data from above test is reflected in DR web app and then put the application into standby mode by running the following:

cd /var/www/html
sudo ./set_eas_mode.sh STANDBY_DR

Release Notifications

  • remove 1.3.6 from road map
  • publish blog post
  • send email to stake holders using automation:
python job.py --action EXECUTE --job announce_new_release --env SF_PROD
