CARI.net - Allocating Storage Using Open-E (archive)

CARI.net - Allocating Storage Using Open-E (archive)

log in to open E (see run book for IP and credentials)

This is the process for adding a new Volume, however expanding a volume works in a similar fashion.

Create a new Volume
Choose the Configuration tab > volume manager > volume groups > click on vg00 and scroll down to the "action"
Select "New iSCSI Volume"
Enter "Option:" Create new target automatically
Select the size of the new volume in GB.
Click the Apply button.

I get this message:
If you are experiencing any problems with the applied changes (specifically, if your initiator does not recognize them), please reset the iSCSI connections at MAINTENANCE -> Connections and then try again. Please note resetting the connections will cause current iSCSI transactions to lose connection for a few moments.

I wait about 30 seconds and I see this:
New Logical Volume lv0012 created successfully!
New iSCSI target alias "target1" created successfully!
lv0012 is now added as a new LUN to the iSCSI target!

After this completes, rename the target:

Go to Configuration and then select the iscsi manager -> targets

new target from the list of targets. Take note of the
Target name as you will need to know it when adding it to a host.
Scroll down to "Rename target"
Under the New Alias: field enter the Alias name that you would like to use. Choose
something you will recognize.
Click the Apply button

At this point, your volume should be available via it's new target, and we need to make VMware aware of the new target.

VMware - LUN identification

Login to the VSphere client.

Using the tree panel on the left,
right click on hyper visor of your choice,
select "Rescan For Datastores...",
and agree to the Storage Device and VMFS scan.
Wait for the Rescan to finish.

Next, using the tree control in the left panel, select to the Hypervisor of your choice.
In the right panel, click on the Configuration tab for that Hypervisor.
Within the configuration panel, select "Storage" which is on the left.
Click on the "add Storage..." link and then select "Disk/Lun" and click next.
Select the Target name that matches the target you wish to import and click next.

In one instance

  • the target did not appear at the "add storage" step, even after several re-scans
  • it did appear after about 10 minutes
  • bit of a mystery here

Verify that your information looks correct and click next again. (Point and click, and click and click....)
Enter your datastore name (Name it something corresponding to use so that you will remember it.) and click next.
Verify that the Maximum file size is correct, and that the Max Capacity button is checked.
Click next.
And Again, Verify and Complete. Click Finish and wait for the datastore to be imported.

VMware - VM Datastore Migration.

Shutdown the VM for which you wish to change the datastore
Right click on the VM and choose migrate.
Choose the option to move only the data store.
Select the datastore you wish to use and any other applicable options.
Click the finish button and wait until the data has been transfered to the destination
Right click on the VM and choose "Edit Settings" Select to the hard disk and change the
"Provisioned Size:" to the correct number in GB, clicking OK when finished.

Deprovision LUN

If you migrate a datastore be sure to deprovision the correspnding LUN.

cfg -> iscsi target manager > targets ->

    select target to deprov, detach (minus sign then remnovew target)

Then vol manage -> vol groups

    choose red x to delete volume


if you have problem seeing the drives from vsphere

go to open-e

choose maint, click recyle icon

use reset with caution (bring apps down first)


setting up storage
set up target
1) configuryion tab> iscsi targte manager > targets

2) configuryion tab> volume man > vol groups > select the 1st vol

action - create new iscsi col
options - add to existing ( the one you jest creatyed)

3) cfg > iscsi target man > targets

create or clone VM
using vm spahere client
storgae adapter > scall all

stroage > add storage > disk/lun