Archive a page

Always make sure you set up a redirect before archiving a published page.

Redirect before you archive

If you no longer need a page, follow these steps:

  1. Ask Digital Services to set up a redirect from that page to another page. This is to prevent people from getting an error message (Page not found, for example) if they had previously bookmarked the page.

  2. Once we let you know your redirect is working, you can find your old page from the content dashboard, click on "Edit" and change the title of the page to start with Redirected: [Title]

  3. The last step is to scroll all the way down the page and change the state from 'published' to 'archived' and save. Now your page is unpublished and no longer accessible to the public.

If you change the state from "Published" to "Draft", it will not unpublish your page. Instead, it creates a "Latest version" of the page and your old version is still published and live on the internet.

Un-archive a page

Un-archive a page means you want to re-publish that page. If that's the case, follow these steps:

  1. If you previously requested a redirect, you'll need to ask Digital Services to delete the redirect first so people can access the page again.

  2. Update your page title and change the page status from 'archived' to 'published.'

  3. Save.