Changing configuration of Cloned VMS

Changing configuration of Cloned VMS

  1. These changes common to all:
  2. Power on Prod DB Server VM: (which has cloned VM's IP).
    1. Log into machine using putty session.
    2. su - root
    3. Go to and edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
    4. replace with correct IP address
    5. save file
    6. restart machine with shutdown -r now
    7. Clone putty session to reflect new IP
    8. sudo -u postgres -i  #logging in as dev in an interactive session
    9. verify/data/9.0/data/pg_hba.conf contains proper ip values at bottom of file for Web and Geo in SF and SD environments.
    10. restart DB server (pg_ctl ...) as necessary
    11. modify the following files under the /etc directory (see svn\eas\configuration\etc)
      1. hosts
      2. resolv.conf
      3. sysconfg/network

Stop db and restart server

  1. Power on Prod Geo Server
    1. Change IP address of the VM itself as above
    2. Change the database connection parameters in geoserver and enable to connection through GeoServer admin console in a browser
  2. Power on Prod Web Server
    1. Change the IP addres of the VM as above
    2. Go to /var/www/html/eas/mad.htconf and go to bottom of file and replace IPs with production IPs of GeoServer and DB Server.
    3. Make changes to settings_deploy.py file in live directory.
    4. restart httpd