Translations dashboard

You can find out if your pages have been translated by humans. Go to the translations dashboard.

Getting to the translations dashboard:

  1. Log in to the CMS.

  2. From the horizontal menu located at the top of the screen, select Content.

  3. You will land at the editor dashboard. Select the 3 dots on the right side of the menu to see all available tabs.

  4. Select Translations.

  5. You will land at the Translations dashboard.


Using the translations dashboard:

  1. You can use the dashboard to filter for specific pages. To see the translation status for your department’s pages, filter by your department.

  2. Refer to the 3 columns to the right of the page titles. They are labeled ES (for Spanish), ZH (for Chinese), and FIL (for Filipino). The symbols next to each page’s title reflect that page’s translation status for each language pair.

  3. The dashboard displays any 1 of 4 symbols to indicate translation status. You can find the legend for these 4 symbols on the bottom right corner of the Translations dashboard.


Based on your findings, you may want to submit a request to get your page human translated. You can read more about translation requests and guidance on our wiki. When you’re ready, fill out the Get human translations request form.


Note: Once we’ve published human translations for a page, that page keeps the human translations. If you update the English, the translations will not auto-update.

You must mark the translations as outdated.

We check the Translations dashboard for pages with the Translation outdated symbol. When we find outdated translations, we’ll reach out to your team about updating your translations.